Tulip Care Tips

Bought some blooms on your visit? Here's some handy tips to keep them looking great for as long as possible.

Tulip Stem After Care

Cut stems at a 45-degree angle and place into a vase of cold water.

Remove any leaves below the water level to prevent water contamination and promote freshness.

Be sure not to overcrowd your tulips when placing them into the vase. Leave room for the tulips to “breathe”.

Place the vase in indirect light and keep away from heat! Tulips prefer a cool climate.

Refill the water and trim the stems every two days. A spoonful of sugar or flower food may be a good idea and will help your tulips live for longer!

'Dancing' Tulips

Tulips are phototropic - the Ancient Greek translation for this word is 'light nourishment'. This means that tulips naturally bend towards the light and happens because the cells on the shaded side of the stem grow faster than those on the sunny side. The uneven growth makes the stem bend, or appear to 'dance'.

If you prefer your tulips standing straight, there are a few ways you can do so:

Choose a vase which is at least half the height of your tulip stems to make sure they are supported.

Rotate your vase daily, to ensure that any one side of your bouquet isn't getting more light than another!

Keep your tulips wrapped in their bouquet (or wrap them in newspaper if you didn't have them bunched on site) when you first put them in water. After 24 hours you can remove the paper and your tulips should remain upright!

Potted Tulips After Care

Regularly water your tulips, keep the soil moist but never let it get soggy. A good gauge for when your flowers need a drink is when the top inch of soil is dry to the touch.

Place your pots in the sunshine! Tulips need around 6 hours of sunlight a day where possible.

When the foliage dies back, leave them in the pot and cover the top with plenty of mulch to protect them through the winter months. 

Once spring arrives, remove any left-over roots, trim old stems and replant with fresh potting soil or garden soil. With the right care, your tulips will bloom beautifully again!